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What: Coordinated launch of hot air balloons in your City, State and Country


When: October 3 & October 4, 2020


Why: “We rise to lift spirits’’ to honor those who have sacrificed and suffered as front-line workers


Who: Hot air pilots across the world in various cities, states and countries



  • Follow the flying regulations in area

  • Practice good landowner relations

  • Follow your local city, state, country ordinances regarding COVID-19 regarding Mass Gathering limits and Social Distancing

  • Do something to recognize the Front-Line Workers: fly banners, fly workers, etc.



Share on social media with the following #Liftingspirits, #Liftingspiritsaroundtheworld, add your City abbreviation or country to the hashtag and share to the Facebook Page called Lifting Spirits Around the World.  Don’t forget to share your images of your signs thanking front-line workers, show and share the love.


Contact:   For questions or if you would like the artwork to add your City, State or Country please email with preferred format.


THANK YOU BANNER with logo for



Pilots may order a "Basket Banner" to show support of Lifting Spirits, any extra money from the banner purchase will go to Front-Line Workers in the form of gift cards given away as random acts of kindness. 


Total received in orders $2392.00

Banner production costs: $1610.00

PayPal Fees $141.00

Shipping Fees $576.13


We are looking for a sponsor to help cover the shipping fees to allow us to purchase more gift cards for Random Acts of kindness cards for Front-Line Workers. 


If you would like to donate a gift card for a Front-line worker or just make a donation towards the purchase of gift cards to be given away to Front-line workers, please feel free to donate.  So far we are able to buy over $100.00 worth.

Thank you!  


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